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TOP-10 Azure Interview Questions For Beginners

Microsoft Azure is one of the world’s largest suppliers of cloud computing. If you are a beginner or a professional, specific simple, and essential questions can be addressed during the interview.

Let's then begin with the following simple questions and answers from the Azure interview and read more about the different types of questions that help beginners to succeed in their interviews.

1. Define Microsoft Azure.

Ans: Microsoft Azure is a cloud computing framework introduced by Microsoft to take advantage of cloud computing. It provides highly scalable cloud infrastructure for creating, storing, hosting, and handling resources.

2. Mention the various advantages of using Microsoft Azure.


  • Azure is flexible. The machine's functionalities can be adjusted whenever needed.
  • Users are benefited as they are easily readable.
  • The machine remains completely functional even after the loss of a single component.

3. Explain about Cloud Computing.

Ans: Cloud Computing is a concept that uses the internet to store and retrieve information. It saves no data on your storage disk. You can view data from a central server through cloud computing.

4. Illustrate the difference between SaaS, PaaS, and IaaS.


  • PaaS: PaaS is also called a Platform as a service. It allows you to provide a framework without activating the OS program directly.
  • SaaS: SaaS is called Software as a service. It can be used without the prior purchase of the system infrastructure applications.
  • IaaS: IaaS is also called Infrastructure as a service. It allows the vendor to receive the hardware as the service that customers will set up.

5. What are the various roles in Azure?


  • Web Role: A web role can be used to install a website using a language provided by the IIS framework to run the web application.
  • Worker Role: The Worker's role is to conduct the mechanism that runs behind the website's implementation.
  • VM Role: Web and Worker functions are done on virtual machines. The VM role will allow the consumer to update the web and worker roles of the virtual machine.

6. Describe VNet?

Ans: VNet is a view of your cloud network. It protects the other services logically from the scenarios you start in the cloud.

7. What is Azure Service Fabric?

Ans: Azure Service Fabric is a centralized device framework that allows flexible and secure microservices to bundle, operate, and manage easily. Furthermore, Service Fabric tackles critical issues in the creation and maintenance of cloud services.

8. Mention the different cloud implementation models.


  • Private cloud: Private cloud implementation model owns the technology and encourages you to get the service alone.
  • Public cloud: Public cloud implementation model is one in which the micro infrastructure is exclusively available from the service provider.
  • Hybrid cloud: The Hybrid cloud implementation model collects seamlessly blended public and private data, which transmits in-house personal data and provides a publicly available website.

9. What are the different types of storage options in Azure?


  • Particles: Used to store vast quantities of static and unorganized files.
  • Queues: Queues are used for the storage of messages between system modules.
  • Disks: Used to build high I/O and random read/writes hard drives on virtual machines.
  • Tables: Used in NoSQL format to save stored procedures. Designed for a limited scale database.

10. What is a break-fix issue in Azure?

Ans: All the technical issues in Microsoft Azure are known as break-fix problems. This concept is used in favor of technology when it fails in its regular role.

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